Fearless Women Turn Into Fearless Wives
It takes a strong and of course fearless woman to support her husband. As a wife, you always have to be ready to come alongside your husband and be the helpmate that God has set us out to be. There are times where things get tough, but always stand by your husband. You have to be willing to let your husband lead, but know when to step up. Just because your husband is the leader of the household, doesn't mean you no longer have a voice. A matter of fact, your voice is very important! You are the voice that cheers your husband on, your the voice that encourages your husband, your the voice that motivates your husband, your the voice that lets your husband know you love him, your the voice that he hears even when your not around. It's powerful in so many ways. You say that men don't listen? Trust me, it's times I feel the same way! lol but they hear you! They just won't show it until later. Kendall and I may not agree all the time, but I always support his decisions....