Got Confidence?

Self love is very important. If you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of anyone else. I decided this year, I will take better care of myself. With a career, husband and son, it’s very easy to forget to do things you like to do and things for your own personal growth. I decided that I will always have my hair slaying, keep up with my nails and treat myself to new clothes, shoes or something I just personally want every once in a while! I started to work out towards the end of last year and forgot how much I actually love doing it. Now it’s a daily routine. My best friend, Rachel took me to a Zumba class and that is when I had an epiphany! I love to workout, I love to dance and I love to feel good. After giving birth to Mason, I started to feel down about my body. I didn’t like the stretch marks, and couldn’t stand the weight that I gained. I would randomly cry when I feel like I wasn’t where I wanted to be as far as appearance. One day in Zumba class, I almost cried. I realized how great it made me feel and how I was starting to fall in love with myself again. I was doing something that I enjoyed doing and taking care of myself physically, spiritually and emotionally. I thanked God that He sent me to class because it really woke me up. It’s okay to drop your child off to a babysitter to do what you need to do to get back on the right track. How can I possibly teach my son to be happy and proud in his own skin, when I’m not being a good example of that? I pray every night that God would be with me spiritually, physically, emotionally, and financially. Slowly I see Him working! I started to read the Bible every night as well. Now y’all pray for me on that one! Lol there days that I skip and sometimes I read a verse and be so confused. It’s important to pray for Clarity of His word so you can hide it in your heart and not sin against Thee.

I know there’s going to be some people that read my blog and didn’t even know that I was struggling with liking the way I looked after giving birth. But being Fearless is being able to tell your story. When you tell your story, you help others to understand you better and give them the courage to do better.

Are you having trouble with self love? I challenge you to look in the mirror and tell yourself the top three things you got going on! It could be how beautiful you are, how you make people love, how great your smile is, how good of a artist you are, your ambition! You can have a man, you can have family, you can even have all the money in the world but if you don’t start with self, then you have NOTHING!


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