Keep Standing

Do you feel like giving up sometimes? Just runaway and never have to deal with work, people or things ever again? Yeah, sometimes, I just want to disappear too! Life is rough and isn't supposed to be easy, but you have to keep encouraging yourself to do better. There will always be hurdles that we have to get over and mountains to climb. I like my current job and what I do, but I believe I deserve better and higher pay! Today I took a leap and applied to multiple positions outside of the current government agency I work for. For those who know me, know that I have been working for the same agency since I was 17 yrs. old. So applying elsewhere is a big leap for me! But, it was God who gave me the courage to do so. You have to believe in order to see things happen. But more importantly, remember that Faith without Work is Dead! You have to put in the work, believe that it will happen and it will. Take Fearless for example! I learned a quick lesson last week. I thought I was ready to launch my dream. Ready to make Fearless more than just a blog. BUT things did not go as planned. Failure to plan and failure to prepare causes things to crumble. I secretly wanted to give up because I was tired of thinking of new creative ideas. Who will believe in you if you don't believe in yourself? I cannot be Fearless if I just throw in the towel every time something doesn't go my way. Mistakes and hiccups are there to learn and to grow. If you never fall, how can you get back up? My dreams will come true, what about yours?

Pray - Ask God for guidance and He will show you the way.
Plan - Think of all the ins and outs of what you want to do. 
Prepare - What do you need to make your dream come true? Gather all your materials, but also get your mind, body and spirit ready for it too.
Promote - When its time and ready, SHOW THE WORLD WHAT YOU ARE MADE OF. Invite friends/family into your world and always reward yourself.


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