Wifely Duty Calls

So as I mentioned before, Kendall broke his ankle on March 20th. This is when I knew I had to step up and tend to my wifely duties. I'm not going to lie, when I first found out he broke his ankle and would need surgery, I was nervous. I would have to drop Mason off in the morning, go to work, pick Mason up, cater to Kendall, cook, clean, be the only one looking after Mason at home and then have to do it all over again everyday until his ankle got better. I had to take a moment and tell myself it was going to be okay and that I got this. This was my moment to really tackle my wifely duties. Luckily I was able to get paid leave from work for three weeks. So atleast I don't have to drop Mason off every morning. Every morning, I wake up, place Mason in front of his toys and the tv and fix Kendall's breakfast. Everyday I am catering to him and giving him everything he needs and helping him transition from one room to the next. On top of that, I have a baby that DOES NOT WANT TO SIT STILL. lol The first day home, I knew things just got real. lol I had two babies to tend to. But of course women always know how to pull it together and make things work. I went into beast mode! Lol Made sure breakfast was served, water for his pills was poured, lunch was made, the apartment is straightened and clothes were folded. On top of that, I made sure bottles were made, and that Mason wasn't crawling to something that he doesn't need to be in. Lol I slowly came to realize that Kendall breaking his leg gave me the opportunity to be fearless and really show my husband that I can do this. I can take care of my home. Wives/mothers are like glue. No matter what the situation is, we get up every morning with a smile on our face and make sure the family is sticking together. I also came to realize that this was a time for not only us three to really bond, but for me and Mason to bond. With Kendall being on crutches, he isn't able to pick Mason up or get down on the floor and play with him. I went to Miami for three nights which was the first time I was away from my baby and when I came back, I could see the bond that him and his dad built. Mason and I are having a ball! lol Whenever he cracks up laughing, it feels my heart with so much joy. We play alllll day, watch tv, sing, nap and go for walks. I absolutely love it. I think God for the ability to take off for three weeks to solely take care of my family. We also make sure we bond with "dada". Lol Mason loves to sleep under Kendall. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen. He loves to laugh at the crazy noises Kendall makes too.

Kendall and I are newly weds and since we been married, we been so busy either with Mason or work. God works in some mysterious ways y'all! Kendall broke his leg which isn't a good thing but it slowed things down for us. Made us stay home from work, made us bond everyday and all day, gave me the opportunity to cater to my man and show him that he made a great choice in choosing me as his wife. When God wants to test you, He will really test you. The question is will you step to the plate and be fearless enough to tackle the challenges or will you get scared and hide? I chose to to accept the challenge and be the virtuous woman He charged me to be.

"If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman."
-Margaret Thatcher 

 Fearless women can do it all and WILL do it all! 😉


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